Finding His Wyoming Sweetheart book cover with a guitar

Finding His Wyoming Sweetheart by Virginia McCullough

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Finding His Wyoming Sweetheart

Virginia McCullough
Genre – Western Romance

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When it comes to his seven-year-old son, new lodge owner Mack Fisher has a lot to make up for. Fortunately, the small Wyoming town of Adelaide Creek provides the perfect fresh start—that is, if he can avoid the distraction of Erin Hunnicutt’s warm brown eyes. The free-spirited musician has a way of bringing out the best in everyone—especially Mack. When they’re thrown together unexpectedly to help their town, sparks fly and a dangerous secret is uncovered. But searching for the answers only leads them to fall deeper for one another…and starts Mack wondering if there’s room for one more in his new family.


Mack lowered his phone and wrapped Erin in a tight hug. “We did this together, along with your four-legged pal, Neptune.”

Neptune was standing next to Erin, as if waiting to be given a job. Erin stood on tiptoes, and put her hands on the side of Mack’s face and gave him a quick kiss.

Even in the dark his smile lit up his face. Then it disappeared when his phone buzzed.

A text from Jeff?”

Mack nodded. “They plan to come in close to the gate, but without lights. They’ll cut the fence and walk in. They want these guys to stay calm.” Mack quickly keyed a response. “I reminded Jeff that these thieves are still teenagers.”

They turned their attention back to the corral, where the light from the headlights shone on a guy coming out of the barn. A horse by the fence hurried past him and out of sight under the shelter of the barn roof.

Hurry, Jeff, hurry,” Mack muttered. Erin noted every move the men made. No matter how wrong and horrible the actions, the four thieves, whoever they were, had been taking care of the horses in their crude stable.

She kept her eyes on the scene below, conscious of Mack standing sitting beside her. She could feel the intense energy passing between them. She ran his words through her mind again. “Uh, Mack?”

What is it?”

In case I don’t get a chance to tell you later, I’m falling in love with you, too.” Erin smiled. There. She’d said the words out loud. No regrets.

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About the Author

Virginia McCullough author headshot Virginia McCullough writes romance for the Harlequin Heartwarming line, and Finding His Wyoming Sweetheart is Book 4 of her Adelaide Creek series. She also writes women’s fiction and nonfiction on a variety of topics. Virginia’s characters could be your family, friends, or neighbors, and all her stories offer hope, healing, and plenty of second chances. Drawn to water, she almost always sets her stories on a body of water, from oceans, lakes, rivers, and the winding Adelaide Creek.

A ghostwriter, book doctor/editor, coach, and experienced workshop presenter, Virginia is a wanderer but currently lives in Northeastern Wisconsin. When she’s not writing, she’s walking on trails near her home or in some faraway place. She reads, streams series, hangs out with other writers, and daydreams about her next adventure.

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